Computational mathematics

Computational mathematics involves mathematical research in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role, emphasizing algorithms, numerical methods, and symbolic methods. Computation in the research is prominent.[1] Computational mathematics emerged as a distinct part of applied mathematics by the early 1950s. Currently, computational mathematics can refer to or include:


General references

  1. ^ National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Science, Program description PD 06-888 Computational Mathematics, 2006. Retrieved April 2007
  2. ^ NSF Seeks Proposals on Stochastic Systems, SIAM News, August 19, 2005
  3. ^ Future Directions in Computational Mathematics, Algorithms, and Scientific Software, Report of panel chaired by R. Rheinbold, 1985. Distributed by SIAM
  4. ^ Mathematics of Computation, Journal overview, retrieved April 2007

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